Dear Sleep

Trust me; you look so very cute when you try to compete with internet. 😛
Why? Why do you even try?! When you know, you’ll loose. O’ sleep, you are too innocent.

I respect you, seriously, I Do! But please stop your useless attempts at distancing me from my computer.

\m/ me!


Dear Sleep

Why have you started liking me so much suddenly? When I’m at office, when I’m at home, you follow me everywhere. Why?

Listen, I have relations to maintain, friends to retain, times to enjoy and negatives to destroy.

And you, in fact, come in the way! I understand that you like being with me on Monday morning and on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday too…

I respect you, seriously, I Do! But please stop being a bummer and don’t spoil my Friday and Saturday nights. I AM NOT SLEEP DEPRIVED.

😦 me!


I Want Those Days Back…

Many of us sit up looking back in time and silently saying to ourselves,” I want those days back. They were just too perfect.”

At times we feel, how great it would have been, if those days lasted forever. How nice it would have been if we could live those days, each day.

But alas! Good times have short life span.

Memories, they act as Mind-Fresheners!! Like real memories, the ones you cherish all the time, give reason to your existence.

As a kid, I always wondered- why do people overt excite when they meet after a long time. And now, I can almost feel the reason. Every strand of hair too feels happy.

It is never the hugs and hellos that we share in the first place, when we meet after ages. It’s always the silence and smile that says the unsaid. The series of endless chats and the flashback of memories begin, never to end.

Love those Days, Love those People…Make Memories, because in the End, They Make YOU.